Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Keira Knightley 1


Dark Lord said...

I really like this woman. Love the 3rd one where she is biting her lower lip. That gets my attention on most women.

Very nice!

Dark Lord said...

Love the bottom one too with that tease look on her face. This woman has all the goodies. Thumbsup!

CptnK said...

Yes the one with her biting her lower lip is hot! That look is hot on every woman. They should all do it and we would all be a happier world.

FL said...

I like the third one too, but I really like the 1st one a little more. With the hat over the front of her and the style of the image, it gives it that old style look, like back in the roaring '20's. Good job on this one cJx.