Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Keira Knightley 2


Dark Lord said...

What did you do different to the 4th one? I have that same picture.

cJx said...

I just gave it a softer touch and a glow...its hard to explain.

Dark Lord said...

Love is hard to explain. There is plenty of room in here to explain what you did. ;) If its a secret, fine. I was just curious.

cJx said...

no secret, ok, its a double layer image, I changed the brightness and contrast of the bottom layer and on the second layer I outlined the white areas and brighten by 3 then I brighten the whole layer by another 3, after that I blurred it by 10 and the final touch, I made it transparent by 70%. : ) oh, to brighten the layer I used the diffuse glow tool, its what gives it that soft touch.